Wednesday, March 14, 2012

This Means War: By Bernadette Groves-Wright

Today's post is shared by a dear friend and sister in Christ.

Bernadette Groves-Wright is an amazing British women whom I met on a combined Grace Chapel Alpha weekend during lunch. Bernadette has been a Christ follower for five years now and her joy for life and love for Jesus are truly contagious. I am thrilled that she said yes to serving on the Alpha team at Grace Chapel several years ago and even more excited that she said yes to serving as a member of our upcoming Global Alpha Team trip to Haiti. 

Various team members will be blogging through their experiences along the way, and this is the first GAT Team Haiti installment!

I was so excited when I saw Pastor Richard Rhodes’ email about taking Alpha to Haiti.  Little did I know that my excitement would so quickly turn into an intense spiritual battle!  

After spending a couple of days in prayer, I felt the call to go to Haiti. I emailed Lisa and told her that I was interested.   Lisa and I emailed back and forth for a couple of days sharing our excitement for this upcoming mission trip.  After a couple of days, Lisa asked if I would be prepared to lead the prayer team sending out emails and recruiting prayer warriors.  I was delighted to be able to help and sent many emails out over the course of the next few days.

On Friday morning shortly after I started these emails; I woke up with a sense of foreboding; my stomach was in knots and I was extremely irritated – my poor little doggies couldn’t do a thing right.  My day at work did not go well; it ended with me feeling extremely agitated and weepy.  Decisions I make on a day-to-day basis at work were absolutely overwhelming me – I chalked it up to a bad day!  On Saturday morning I woke up feeling worse.  I felt totally overwhelmed with life; useless, unable to do anything; my mind was an absolute whirlwind of emotions and I felt as though everything was caving in on me.  I was drowning in apprehension and fear; emotionally drained and totally exhausted. I started pacing around my apartment; the walls were closing in on me.  I had to get out, so I got into my car and immediately sent text messages to a couple of friends asking them to pray because I realized that I had been blindsided with an intense spiritual attack.   I had not “suited” up and had left myself completely wide open.

One friend called me while I was driving and prayed and I met and prayed with the other friend over lunch.  We agreed that I would go through each room in my apartment and bind Satan in the name of Jesus.  I did this immediately and then I got down on my knees and prayed to God to provide protection for everyone involved.The feeling of oppression continued to hover over me but I did feel stronger.  

 I met Lisa for supper on the Tuesday evening, explained to her what had happened, and she said she had also been experiencing intense spiritual warfare but her comment “I consider it all joy” completely changed my thinking.  I had never heard anyone refer to a spiritual attack as “pure joy” before; but she is absolutely right; we are stepping out in faith and in obedience to God and the evil one is hopping mad WHAT A JOY!! 

I will look at spiritual warfare from a totally different perspective in future and “consider it all joy” but I have also learned a sharp lesson, armor up every day, we are in a battle.  

So ARMOR UP my fellow “Alphanians” and keep your sights on Jesus and His plan  – TO BRING ALPHA TO HAITI!!!  

Eph 6:12-17 "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

2 Chronicles 20:15 This is what the LORD says to you: ‘Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s.

James 1:2-4 Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Silos, Politics and Turf Wars

Silos, Politics and Turf Wars? 

You have an innovative outreach idea that has the potential to make a huge impact. You begin to try to implement this wonderful NEW outreach idea knowing it could help build a bridge between ministries to move seekers along on their spiritual journey's. As you move forward, you discover that established ministries within your church are not interested in your bridge? As a matter of fact you watch, as they dig a mote around their turf, call others into their castle and raise the drawbridge around their kingdoms.

Sound familiar? Disillusioning right? Sad? Kind of takes the wind out of your outreach sails aye?

You cast vision and try to build a bridge to the Christians (before you can begin building a bridge to the seekers) You try to dialog, but you get stiff armed, no one answers your e-mails or returns your phone calls. When you do finally connect, you hear comments like: That is not how we do things, we have always done it this way, if we promote this, won't people leave our ministry and attend yours, if we cooperate/partner with you, we'll be out of business, why are you competing with us?

Amazing how we can get so invested in our own kingdoms, that we can totally miss investing in God's kingdom and His mission.

I realize that I can be just as guilty as anyone else. If I am not careful , my focus can shift from God's agenda to my own agenda. It's very subtle, you answer God's call, you step up to lead, you raise up a team, you give sacrificially and spend hours investing in your mission, your ministry and your people. It's easy to start thinking it's yours, but it's not! It all belongs to God, and I need to remember to hold things with open hands offering it all back to Him. It's His kingdom not ours and hopefully change will drive us to our knees and force us to see the bigger picture.

We have the potential to powerfully impact lives with the Gospel if we call an end to turf wars, tear down the silos and let down our drawbridges. People experience God's kingdom when we tear down the walls and serve together, for His kingdom and glory, not our own. Let's remember who bought and paid for the castle, it all belongs to the King of Kings!

Matthew 6:33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

John 17:20-22 Jesus Prays for All Believers “My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one:

Would you like to learn more about how to combat Silos and Turf Wars? Patrick Lencioni is a New York Times best-selling author, speaker, consultant, founder and president of The Table Group, a firm dedicated to helping organizations become healthy. Lencioni’s ideas around leadership, teamwork and employee engagement have impacted organizations around the globe. I heard Patrick give a great talk a few years ago at the Willow Creek Leadership Summit, called Silos, Politics and Turf Wars and it gave me great insights into how to gather people around a common mission.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Gift of Desperation

I grew up being taught about Jesus but I never really knew or followed Jesus, until much later in life. When I have opportunities to share my story, I often tell people that God gave me the gift of desperation, I had nowhere else to go but to Him. That was the beginning of my adventure filled love affair with God, much more beautiful than I could ever have dreamed my life would be.

Since then, there have been many more God desperate moments in my life, but the difference is, now I know Him, and I know He is with me even when I don't see or feel Him. It's in those desperate times that God often does His best work in me and through me. 

I remember walking through what seemed like a long season of spiritual warfare and trials. I felt confident that I was being obedient in what God had asked me to do, but it seemed as if all hell had broken loose around me. God seemed silent and far removed.  I was desperate to meet with and to hear from Him.

It's in these times that we stand still, cry out to God and move forward in faith not knowing what's to come. "Follow in the dark what you knew to be true in the light", was my mentors word of encouragement to me during that season, and it was great advice. In our darkest hours, in our moments of desperation just when we are ready to throw in the towel, God draws us nearer, He brings light and shows us deep and hidden things about Himself and He presses us forward with a renewed and deeper faith in Him.

Oh, how wealthy are the people who need God desperately; whose treasure in the darkness is a deeper knowledge of him.

He reveals deep and hidden things; he knows what lies in darkness, and light dwells with him. --Daniel 2:22

Saturday, February 4, 2012

The Challenge of Remaining Faithful During Times of Spiritual Decline

Today's Blog Post is presented by Alpha New England's Director of Field Ministries, Dick Kiernan. He also leads Alpha for Catholic outreach all across New England. Dick's passion for building unity among evangelicals and Catholics is evidenced by speaking about this unity at conferences, and promoting and practicing it wherever he travels. (Click to view Dick Kiernan's full Bio)

I confess that I have a deep-seated fear of getting caught up in the unimportant matters of this world rather than staying focused on God’s kingdom.  There are so many distractions that I find so tempting and I always want to keep my guard up so I can resist finding myself compromising my convictions.  

For example, years ago we were supporting US missionaries in Mexico, and when they would return home for visits we would ask them what they had noticed had changed since they left.  Sometimes they noticed the latest rage like when all the little boys got Game Boys and were continuously playing video games.  Other times they noticed things that were more serious—they told us they were shocked that women were dressing so immodestly.  Or, they visited a church that was known for being alive and they found they seemed very lethargic to them.  Base on this experience I continue to try to imagine what things are changing in my culture that I should be resisting.

There are many biblical images about this that I find help me to recognize how important this is.  For example, in Matthew 16 Jesus criticizes the religious leaders and calls them wicked because they are looking for miraculous signs to show Jesus has come from God.  Instead, Jesus says the only sign they will receive will be from prophets like when God sent Jonah to call Nineveh to repentance.  Another examples comes from Revelations 2-3 where we see seven different ancient churches all drifting off into different problems and distractions—and each one needs a warning to set them straight.  Years ago when I took a course to study the Bible our final exam on the Old Testament came from Nehemiah 9.  This chapter presents a short summary of how many generations of God’s people had continually become unfaithful and drifted from obedience.  I’m convinced this is happening to us right now in 2011 and so I’m asking myself—how can we be found faithful in times of spiritual decline? 

I think one of the answers is to recognize that the Lord sends prophets in every generation and we must be careful to welcome prophets to speak into our lives.  I remember years ago that David Wilkerson, the author of “The Cross and the Switchblade” wrote about how the Lord called him to reach out to inner city gangs in New York.  Later on in his life he would often speak very challenging and unpopular messages to Christians.  He would often give these messages with tears and sadness—which so impressed me because he was so courageous and broken hearted over the sins of our times.  I would say my favorite prophet of our times was Pope John Paul II who on so many occasions was willing to completely contradict so many popular leaders and viewpoints.  Another favorite was Mother Teresa who came to speak at Harvard and dared to say, “you are the truly poor people of the world.”  We need prophets to speak to today’s church, and we also need prophets who will be willing to speak into our personal lives.  With so much uncertainty in today’s world let it be said of us that prophets are always welcome in our fellowship.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Outreach: How Do We Measure Success? Can We Fail?

I have been doing outreach for the past three years, with a team of amazing leaders. They have passion, heart, courage and tenacity. They love lost people and are committed to loving them over the long haul. They stepped out in faith with me in a big way to blaze new trails. They could have played it safe, following the well worn path of others, but they wanted to live life on the edge with God. You know, going to that place God is calling you,  knowing that the whole thing is doomed to fail, unless He steps in. Ever been there? "Evangelists drive the church in a good way" my wise pastor told me," because they are never satisfied, they are always looking for ways to reach just one more" Do you live in that tension?

We have seen and are seeing God at work in amazing ways on our journey together. He is transforming our seeking friends lives as well as our own. We have prayed, worked hard, given and loved. We have poured lots of sweat and yes tears into our mission. But what happens when you pray, build relationships, work hard, promote, train, plan and invite and ... seekers don't come? Has this ever happened to any of you? Time for true confessions. When I work on outreach events/projects this is a huge fear I have to do battle with. Doubts creep in and try to drown out my faith. In our humanness, it is so easy to let the fears take over, to rationalize and justify that it's not worth taking the risk. Oh but it is, it really is!

A defining moment happened for me this fall. While sitting in a meeting, one of our pastors asked, "if we run this outreach successfully, what will that look like"? How do we measure success? Does outreach fail? When I Googled "failed outreach" ... (to learn more about failure)... I came up with nothing, as hard as I searched. Good news right! Because as a wise mentor once told me " An outreach is successful if we GO, the rest is all in God's hands" How do we measure success in outreach... by reporting numbers, setting goals, and making our quotas? Or ... Do we understand that we are successful when we are being obedient and faithful to the mission God has intrusted to us? Do we need to be good stewards, to prepare, and organize? You bet. Do we need to try to discern where and how God is at work? Absolutely! But at some point we have to "GO", and when we go, we are successful in God's economy.

I can remember my heart being broken into pieces many times. I have spent hours weeping in prayer over seeking friends who walked away, still not knowing Jesus.(my own children included) Ever been there? I LOVE that Willow Creek has a crying bench up front near the cross so believers can sit and weep over lost family and friends. They don't sugar coat it or deny it, they expect that there will be pain. Outreach will cost us something, just like it cost Jesus. Our job is to be faithful in loving, praying, inviting, asking, and going. Please feel free to share your outreach experiences as well, I would love to hear from you.
Be blessed as you go, knowing you are already successful.

Philemon 1:6 I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ.

Hebrews 12: 2-3 Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Failure to Launch

I was talked into surrendering my Blackberry last year, and made the leap of faith, with much fear and trembling, to an IPhone. I still have my training wheels on for sure, but I am beginning to get over the trauma and learning curve and have begun to feel pretty pleased with myself.

A few months ago I discovered a new (free) game app for my IPhone called, Sheep Launcher. "Now here's something that will charge my batteries", I thought! The object is to launch a sheep as far into the sky as possible, without letting him fall to the earth and splatter. (I have successfully launched my sheep into outer-space and earned the rank space cowgirl) Silly game? You bet!

But It made me think, "Ohhhh if only mobilizing the church to share their faith could be this easy"! Why don't we sheep launch? Why do we prefer to stay in and get fat? How is it we so easily forget how precious the lost ones are to our Heavenly Father? Why is there a failure to launch?

Matthew 18: 12-14 “What do you think? If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go to look for the one that wandered off? And if he finds it, truly I tell you, he is happier about that one sheep than about the ninety-nine that did not wander off. In the same way your Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should perish.

Jesus loves lost sheep.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Navigating Cultures

I am second generation Portuguese and all of my family came to the US from the Azores (a series of small islands off the coast of Portugal) We often sponsored other families, so they could come to live in the United States, in the days when that was still possible.

Early on, I noticed that my Dad possessed great sensitivity and he seemed to always be on the look out for folks who needed a hand getting started in life. As a kid I remember my family helping, Azorian, Costa Rican, and Korean families and I have fond memories of Dad bringing home: stranded travelers (lost newlyweds who camped in our backyard), a deaf gentleman (who he gave a job to) and a long series of stray people and dogs. (which my mother always took in stride) My childhood was so much richer because of those experiences.

As a kid I learned to navigate cultures...Our Portuguese traditions, heritage,language and religious practices were often in tension with those of American culture. But somehow as time went on, I learned to navigate, (to cross back and forth in and out of the various cultures that surrounded me) I had no idea what an important life skill that would be and I certainly had no idea how much my father had shaped me and taught me to notice, welcome, love and even become a champion for those whom society often casts aside.

It is easy to play it safe and interact with people who look and think just like us. You know people with the same backgrounds, education, socioeconomic status...They go to our gym, our country club and they know the right people...It's not risky and those relationships may get us somewhere right?

How often do we reach out to people who don't look like us, those who think a bit differently than we do on important issues, those who don't have our socioeconomic and educational advantages? Do we  realize how much they have to teach us, how much they have to offer. There is a richness and depth to these types of relationships that is discovered in no other way. But to cross cultures takes humility, we must strive to become life long learners and listeners. We must plead our ignorance and ask our new friends to patiently educate us.When we show up, when we notice, when we listen, when we risk, God shows us amazing things, about others, about ourselves , and about His vision for the kingdom of God.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Is The Journey Too Much?

I am having what I refer to as an Elijah moment. You know, those times when we are standing on the mountain top celebrating some great spiritual victory, then in the blink of an eye, a threat comes along, and we flee in fear, heading deep into the wilderness alone, exhausted, searching for God.

Elijah is depressed, discouraged and ready to throw in the towel but he is still searching for God. (I can totally relate to him) I think if we are honest with ourselves we all have Elijah moments. It's so comforting to know that God does not say in these times, You blew it, Go directly to jail, Do not pass "Go" and do not collect $200.00.  He doesn't give up on us, get angry, or give us a lecture. He sends angels to patiently tend to us until we are strong enough to travel the next leg of our spiritual journey with him. Elijah's story brings me great comfort.

If you're having an Elijah moment, hang in there my friend, God will meet you and care for you, until you are strong enough to travel.

Read 1 Kings 19

Monday, January 16, 2012

Joyful Noise-Fix Me Jesus

I had a chance to see the movie "Joyful Noise" with friends yesterday and had a blast. I LOVE Queen Latifah and I love gospel music! I was not at all disappointed with the music. (I had church in the movie theater) It was fantastic! One song in particular really touched my heart, it's entitled "Fix Me Jesus Fix Me" It's not flashy, and in fact it's a very simple song, but it really put to words and music the cry's of my heart... Click below to listen and enjoy!

Fix me Jesus fix me...I have been following Jesus long enough to know that I am powerless to heal or change myself and that fact actually brings me much peace.

Every well meaning New Year's resolution I make
Every sermon I hear or Christian book I read
Every well meaning friend filled with loving advice and helpful suggestions
Every discipline I hand out to myself... has no effect

The tools are useless. And as wonderful as some of them are , they cannot, in themselves, bring healing or change, unless Jesus Himself empowers and works through them. On their own, and on my own, it's impossible. When I hurt or when I stumble for the 1000th time over the same life issue, my only hope is Jesus, and the only cry of my heart is"Fix Me Jesus, Fix Me". I so want to be more like you, but I fall so short. It may mean pain, it may bring tears and sorrow, I may have to fall 100 more times before I learn or understand what you are trying to teach me, but Jesus you are my only hope. "Fix Me Jesus, Fix Me"

Lord I know you love us too much, to leave us the way that we are, you came to be our Savior because you knew we couldn't do it on our own, so please "Fix Us Jesus Fix Us"

Psalm 34:18-19 The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. A righteous man or women may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers them from them all;

Sunday, January 15, 2012


A water bearer in China had two large pots, each hung on the ends of a pole which he carried across his neck. One of the pots had a crack in it, while the other pot was perfect and always delivered a full portion of water. At the end of the long walk from the stream to the House, the cracked pot arrived only half full.

For a full two years this went on daily, with the bearer delivering only one and a half pots full of water to his house. Of course, the perfect pot was proud of its accomplishments, perfect for which it was made. But the poor cracked pot was ashamed of it's own imperfection. And miserable that it was able to accomplish only half of what it had been made to do. After two years of what it perceived to be a bitter failure, it spoke to the water bearer one day by the stream. "I am ashamed of myself, and I want to apologize to you. I have been able to deliver only half my load because this crack in my side causes water to leak out all the way back to your house. Because of my flaws, you have to do all of this work, and you don't get full value from your efforts," the pot said.

The bearer said to the pot, "Did you notice that there were flowers only on your side of the path, but not on the other pot's side? That's because I have always known about your flaw. So I planted flower seeds on your side of the path, and every day while we walk back, you've watered them. For two years I have been able to pick these beautiful flowers to decorate the table. Without you being just the way you are, there would not be this beauty to grace the house?

Author Unknown

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


It's a privilege to work on staff with Alpha USA and Alpha New England and I love what I do! I find there are often a multitude of new outreach initiatives that vie for my time and attention. There are countless projects I could be working on, all with great kingdom building potential! This is fantastic, but frankly if I tried to implement them all, I would go down in flames for sure.  

I think my greatest challenge as a leader is to discern where God is inviting me to join Him in His work (to "lazer in on my mission" as Bill Hybels says) So this means learning to say no to great projects so I can say yes to God and His greater project. When I do sense God nudging me in a direction, at first glance, it often makes no earthly sense, but God patiently persists in confirming His plan. It's as if He is saying, "Yes you heard me correctly the first time, keep going this way." and so goes our journey with God, we walk by faith and not by sight!

About three years ago Alpha rolled out a new initiative called Global Alpha Training. I listened and I learned more, but I had a ton of things on my plate so I put it on the shelf for another time. Two years ago I attended a luncheon with Nicky Gumbel and heard him talk about the impact GAT's were making in countries around the globe. I felt God tap me on the shoulder, but I put the project back on the shelf. This past year I was in London and met leaders from over 100 nations during International Week at HTB. It was exciting to hear how God was moving in other parts of the world and I was stoked! I heard from Alpha Teams in Norway who traveled to Switzerland to help train leaders to launch new courses. I heard about GAT teams traveling to Costa Rica, Guatemala, Egypt and Russia. I heard about the courses that began and multiplied as churches worked together and celebrated the impact they were having as many souls came to know Jesus through their efforts. I was really fired up.  I talked with pastors at my home church, Grace Chapel in Lexington, MA. and they were really supportive of the idea, so I began to pray and ask God to send us the right opportunity. I had heard of many needs in different countries but none seemed like the right fit for us. Then a few weeks ago I received a note from a missionary currently serving in Haiti and she writes:

"I met with the Ouanaminthe pastors league.  It was fascinating.  A tremendous response too. The league has 81 local pastors in it that regularly meet.  A few pastors traveled a distance by foot to get there and some that couldn't come sent their representatives.  They were all wonderful. We introduced the ALPHA program to them and they are very excited to receive your team and host an Alpha training. I wanted your team to be in prayer for them.This group of pastors face extraordinary challenges and talked to us about problems with Voodoo, not having a building for church, and people not coming to church because they had no shirt to wear.  It was incredible. During this meeting, I felt so strongly the presence of the Holy Spirit. Listening to these pastors and sensing their joys and strength, and emotions.I really just can't describe it.  Wow, I just know one thing for a fact, that the Lord's hand is on this and for those that will be part of it I know they will be profoundly transformed beyond any expectation they may have. God bless all of them. Please have the group keep them in prayer to prepare for this epic spiritual enlightenment and transformation."

After reading this, I kind of felt like Paul and I was directed to these verses: 

Acts 16:8-10 (MSG)  They went to Phrygia, and then on through the region of Galatia. Their plan was to turn west into Asia province, but the Holy Spirit blocked that route. So they went to Mysia and tried to go north to Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus wouldn't let them go there either. Proceeding on through Mysia, they went down to the seaport Troas.That night Paul had a dream: A Macedonian stood on the far shore and called across the sea, "Come over to Macedonia and help us!" The dream gave Paul his map. We went to work at once getting things ready to cross over to Macedonia. All the pieces had come together. We knew now for sure that God had called us to preach the good news to the Europeans. 

So we are now in the process of putting together a Grace Chapel GAT team for a short term missions trip to Haiti the first week of July.

I know what your thinking crazy right, HAITI in July ??? I had visions of going by myself, until today when the Lord sent me notes from 7 other GOD CRAZY Alpha leaders to ask how they could be a part of the team! My level of faith has now risen my friends! WOOHOO! I am really getting excited about what God is up to and how He will shape us, teach, use us and change us on this trip! I hope to Blog a bit about our experiences as we go along, but if you would like to read more about Global Alpha Training (GAT) 
Click to visit our GAT web pages
Blessings, Lisa

Saturday, January 7, 2012

I Have A Voice!!!

The Kings Speech has become one of my all time favorite movies. So much to ponder, so many life lessons, so many ministry illustrations and so many AH HA moments. (When England's throne is suddenly thrust upon him, amidst a family scandal and impending world war, King George the VI (Colin Firth) must overcome a life long debilitating speech impediment to lead his nation.)

My favorite scene in the movie takes place on the evening of the his coronation.The soon to be King is in full blown panic, he has been ridiculed, abused and belittled for most of his life, he has never been taken seriously, he doubts his own abilities, he is terrified of being crowned king, and he cannot imagine how someone with all his deficiencies and weaknesses could possibly lead the country. Despite this, his speech therapist, Lionel Logue (played by Geoffrey Rush), sees the soon to be King's greatness, the depth of his character, his courage and his brave perseverance in the face of adversity. Lionel challenges the King. (click to view the scene)

Have you ever struggled to be heard, to have a voice, to express yourself ? Have you ever had to fight against the overwhelming fear within yourself to use your voice? Have you had to risk being ridiculed by your peers to speak out ? Then you can relate to this scene and the incredible personal victory it represents. It represents a victory for all of us who have struggled to find our voices and for those who have cried out only to be ignored. It inspires us and reminds us that our voices have value, that we as individuals have value.

Maybe you find yourself serving on a team with colleagues (business or ministry) who have more impressive credentials than yourself and you are tempted to withhold your ideas when asked to contribute... use your voice.

Perhaps you represent a minority culture and you are called to serve within a dominate culture? The dominate culture overlooks you and misses out on all the depth and richness diversity can bring to that project, church, or business...take courage my friends and use your voice.

Maybe you are a female business or ministry leader and you are often called into large meetings only to find that you are the only women in the room...Then keep showing up girlfriend and if prompted by the Spirit, use your voice.

Perhaps English is not your first language or you have never graduated high school? You my friends have a voice.

Those who do find themselves in a place of power and privilege might consider laying down a small portion of that power, to make space for those on the fringes to find their voice. Do we see the God given potential and gifts within others? Do we take time to draw them out, challenge and encourage them? There is nothing more fulfilling, then helping people discover and develop the gifts that God has already placed within them.

Perhaps God has placed you in a position to be a champion or voice for others who don't have a voice: Victims of human trafficking, the homeless, HIV Aids orphans, survivors of domestic violence, rape victims, refugees, the handicapped, the poor and so many others that our society often politely and silently casts aside.

We fight internally and externally to find and use our voices without disrespecting and drowning out the voices of others along the way. Lord give us your strength and courage to find and use our voices when you prompt us in the places you have called us, and yet let us be sensitive, respectful and humble enough to allow space for others around us to find and use their voices as well. We are all created in your image and we are so grateful that you have given each of us a place, a purpose and a voice to be used for your glory.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Spiritual Questions?

Losing My Religion: If I'm So Done With Faith, Why Do I Still Feel Its loss?

That was the Huffington Post headline that met me head on when I opened my email yesterday morning. It got my attention because I think it's a question that many people ask themselves today. The article was written by Margaret Wheeler Johnson, the Women's Editor for Huffington Post. In it she chronicles her journey of faith, her departure from religion, her life without faith, and the aching loss she still feels despite her negative experiences with religion.

A few things struck me profoundly:
  • It reminded me of my own faith story and my journey from religion to relationship.
  • It gave me hope because she was still wresting with and questioning that loss.
  • It drove home how few safe places there are in the world today, even within Christian community, to discuss questions about faith and life.
  • The depth of the anger, pain and disillusionment expressed by those who left comments was overwhelming.
  • Christians who commented tended to argue/pick fights, and in so doing, missed opportunities to extend compassion, to listen, and to step in the gap to apologize (acting as agents of healing)
  •  It gave me a glimpse into the hearts and minds of those who live life apart from God and I began to grieve deeply and pray specifically for our communities, our nation, our faith communities and our world. (I was convicted that I don't pray for the lost enough)
I did leave a comment: “I believe there is a God sized hole in each human heart, that only He can fill. Religion and tradition will always disappoint and disillusion. A relationsh­ip with the living God is all that can satisfy and make us complete. He designed us with that yearning so we would seek after Him, though it seems, He is already seeking after and pursuing us...”

And I did receive many sad, angry and hate-filled responses from folks interacting on her page. I won't bother posting all of them but here are two in particular:

"Nice pretty words, there, but meaningless."

"It's kind of like missing the Parent that beat & abused you, and who you still hate even though they're now dead.... It's wishing things had been different, wishing you had, had a parent like the great parents one of your friends had. Even if you still miss your hateful parent, you still long for what could have been."

I believe that people are still searching hard to find purpose and meaning for their lives, they wish their experiences with church and religion had been different and they are still longing for what could have been. How will we, the church, respond to these kinds of opportunities? Will we get it right? Are we willing to listen as they tell their pain-filled stories? Can we listen without judging? Will we validate their pain or try to minimize it? Where will they go to ask spiritual questions? If they come to you, will you respond with love?

Lord help us, Your church, to be that safe and loving space for people to come, just as they are, with their spiritual questions. Help us to love them with your strength, mercy, wisdom and compassion, so that they might encounter You.

Link to view the full article

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Creating Safe Spaces to Explore

Creating safe spaces for conversations has become a reoccurring theme on several ministry projects I'm currently involved with. When I think of safe spaces for deep conversations the words intentional, honesty, trust, mutual respect, love, humility, authenticity, gentleness, and confidentiality all come to mind.

It made me wonder how many faith communities intentionally create safe spaces for those who are not Christians to stop in and engage in conversations to explore, experience, debate and perhaps even disagree with the claims of Christianity?

One of the things I often help church leaders think through is how they might help people move forward on their spiritual journey's: from being outside the church, to actively seeking , to surrender to Christ, on to growing as a believer. Does your church have a path in place to help people move from place to place as they grow?

Interesting Facts:
  • One of the biggest barriers for people outside the church: their own negative experiences with church, Christians and/or those they considered to be religious people. 
(based on eleven years of my own experience, engaging non-Christians in conversations about spiritual questions: 80% of the people I spoke with had a bad religious/church experience)

  • The first step for many seekers who came to faith in Christ learning to trust a Christian
(2000 new converts were interviewed about their spiritual journey in Don Evert's book

I Once Was Lost: What Postmodern Skeptics Taught Us About Their Path to Jesus) A great read by the way!

Safe spaces for seekers to engage in no pressure conversations about spiritual questions, often allows God the freedom and space He needs to break into individual lives. Can you locate those safe spaces within your faith community?

Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Gate of the Year

A friend posted this wonderful poem and I loved it so much I thought I would share it. It's history is amazing and it's words powerful. A beautiful definition of pure faith and trust. Hope you enjoy.

"The Gate of the Year" by Minnie Louise Haskins (1875-1957)

"I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year
'Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown.'
And he replied, 'Go into the darkness and put your hand into the hand of God
That shall be to you better than light and safer than a known way!'
So I went forth and finding the Hand of God
Trod gladly into the night
He led me towards the hills
And the breaking of day in the lone east.
So heart be still!
What need our human life to know
If God hath comprehension?
In all the dizzy strife of things
Both high and low,
God hideth his intention."

"This poem was written in 1908 by Minnie Louise Haskins, an American
lecturer at the London School of Economics, who wrote as a hobby. It
was a favorite of Queen Elizabeth the late Queen Mother, who showed
it to her husband King George VI. He included it in his famous
Christmas message broadcast in 1939 at the beginning of the Second
World War. After the King's death the Queen Mother had it engraved on
bronze plaques on the entrance to the King George VI Memorial Chapel,
Windsor, where both are now interred. It was also read at the funeral


I just returned from a road trip to spend some down time with dear friends. I love to travel, and I love adventure, especially when it involves exploring new territory! On the drive back to Boston however, I made a wrong turn on the highway and wound up in the heart of NYC in some not so glamorous neighborhoods. Those of you who know me, understand that I am directionally challenged and despite the use of modern technology (the GPS), I often find myself veering off course somehow. My anxiety began to mount as time passed, nothing looked familiar, pan handlers approached my car when stopped at red lights, graffiti and burned out cars lined my horizon and there were no signs to help me find the interstate.

I decided it was time to start praying. I realized that God knew exactly where I was (Psalm 139) so therefore I could not be lost (denial or faith I am still not sure...) When I reminded myself that I was not alone, and that the God of the universe was indeed with me, my perspective began to change. My anxiety was replaced with peace and I began to view my unscheduled detour as a divine adventure! (crazy right) Soon I began to sit back and enjoy the ride, the skyline, NYC cabs, streets filled with people. I drove by the piers where an aircraft carrier was docked, I saw various types of aircraft displayed on the decks (how awesome and surprising was that) and then suddenly as I rounded the curve the Statue of Liberty came into view, a truly majestic and glorious sight and then before I knew it, I was back on the highway with the George Washington bridge in sight. As I headed down the interstate, I thanked God for this unexpected divine adventure, for replacing my anxiety with His peace and for reminding me that even when I feel lost, off course, and afraid...there is nowhere I can wander where He is not present. 

Our journey with God is an exciting adventure (sort of reminds me of an Indiana Jones movie) There are things in store for us around every corner. Opportunities for spiritual growth await us and leaps of faith will be required. But we don't need to fear the unknown, because God has already gone before us.

I was reminded yesterday that we are heading into a new year  and there are 365 blank pages of our stories waiting to be written. Before us are hidden countless opportunities for divine adventures with God, if we allow Him to write our story. And when God is silent or we feel we may have veered off course and lost our way, let's remember that God is still with us and that He is indeed for us.