Tuesday, January 10, 2012


It's a privilege to work on staff with Alpha USA and Alpha New England and I love what I do! I find there are often a multitude of new outreach initiatives that vie for my time and attention. There are countless projects I could be working on, all with great kingdom building potential! This is fantastic, but frankly if I tried to implement them all, I would go down in flames for sure.  

I think my greatest challenge as a leader is to discern where God is inviting me to join Him in His work (to "lazer in on my mission" as Bill Hybels says) So this means learning to say no to great projects so I can say yes to God and His greater project. When I do sense God nudging me in a direction, at first glance, it often makes no earthly sense, but God patiently persists in confirming His plan. It's as if He is saying, "Yes you heard me correctly the first time, keep going this way." and so goes our journey with God, we walk by faith and not by sight!

About three years ago Alpha rolled out a new initiative called Global Alpha Training. I listened and I learned more, but I had a ton of things on my plate so I put it on the shelf for another time. Two years ago I attended a luncheon with Nicky Gumbel and heard him talk about the impact GAT's were making in countries around the globe. I felt God tap me on the shoulder, but I put the project back on the shelf. This past year I was in London and met leaders from over 100 nations during International Week at HTB. It was exciting to hear how God was moving in other parts of the world and I was stoked! I heard from Alpha Teams in Norway who traveled to Switzerland to help train leaders to launch new courses. I heard about GAT teams traveling to Costa Rica, Guatemala, Egypt and Russia. I heard about the courses that began and multiplied as churches worked together and celebrated the impact they were having as many souls came to know Jesus through their efforts. I was really fired up.  I talked with pastors at my home church, Grace Chapel in Lexington, MA. and they were really supportive of the idea, so I began to pray and ask God to send us the right opportunity. I had heard of many needs in different countries but none seemed like the right fit for us. Then a few weeks ago I received a note from a missionary currently serving in Haiti and she writes:

"I met with the Ouanaminthe pastors league.  It was fascinating.  A tremendous response too. The league has 81 local pastors in it that regularly meet.  A few pastors traveled a distance by foot to get there and some that couldn't come sent their representatives.  They were all wonderful. We introduced the ALPHA program to them and they are very excited to receive your team and host an Alpha training. I wanted your team to be in prayer for them.This group of pastors face extraordinary challenges and talked to us about problems with Voodoo, not having a building for church, and people not coming to church because they had no shirt to wear.  It was incredible. During this meeting, I felt so strongly the presence of the Holy Spirit. Listening to these pastors and sensing their joys and strength, and emotions.I really just can't describe it.  Wow, I just know one thing for a fact, that the Lord's hand is on this and for those that will be part of it I know they will be profoundly transformed beyond any expectation they may have. God bless all of them. Please have the group keep them in prayer to prepare for this epic spiritual enlightenment and transformation."

After reading this, I kind of felt like Paul and I was directed to these verses: 

Acts 16:8-10 (MSG)  They went to Phrygia, and then on through the region of Galatia. Their plan was to turn west into Asia province, but the Holy Spirit blocked that route. So they went to Mysia and tried to go north to Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus wouldn't let them go there either. Proceeding on through Mysia, they went down to the seaport Troas.That night Paul had a dream: A Macedonian stood on the far shore and called across the sea, "Come over to Macedonia and help us!" The dream gave Paul his map. We went to work at once getting things ready to cross over to Macedonia. All the pieces had come together. We knew now for sure that God had called us to preach the good news to the Europeans. 

So we are now in the process of putting together a Grace Chapel GAT team for a short term missions trip to Haiti the first week of July.

I know what your thinking crazy right, HAITI in July ??? I had visions of going by myself, until today when the Lord sent me notes from 7 other GOD CRAZY Alpha leaders to ask how they could be a part of the team! My level of faith has now risen my friends! WOOHOO! I am really getting excited about what God is up to and how He will shape us, teach, use us and change us on this trip! I hope to Blog a bit about our experiences as we go along, but if you would like to read more about Global Alpha Training (GAT) 
Click to visit our GAT web pages
Blessings, Lisa

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