I just returned from a road trip to spend some down time with dear friends. I love to travel, and I love adventure, especially when it involves exploring new territory! On the drive back to Boston however, I made a wrong turn on the highway and wound up in the heart of NYC in some not so glamorous neighborhoods. Those of you who know me, understand that I am directionally challenged and despite the use of modern technology (the GPS), I often find myself veering off course somehow. My anxiety began to mount as time passed, nothing looked familiar, pan handlers approached my car when stopped at red lights, graffiti and burned out cars lined my horizon and there were no signs to help me find the interstate.
I decided it was time to start praying. I realized that God knew exactly where I was (Psalm 139) so therefore I could not be lost (denial or faith I am still not sure...) When I reminded myself that I was not alone, and that the God of the universe was indeed with me, my perspective began to change. My anxiety was replaced with peace and I began to view my unscheduled detour as a divine adventure! (crazy right) Soon I began to sit back and enjoy the ride, the skyline, NYC cabs, streets filled with people. I drove by the piers where an aircraft carrier was docked, I saw various types of aircraft displayed on the decks (how awesome and surprising was that) and then suddenly as I rounded the curve the Statue of Liberty came into view, a truly majestic and glorious sight and then before I knew it, I was back on the highway with the George Washington bridge in sight. As I headed down the interstate, I thanked God for this unexpected divine adventure, for replacing my anxiety with His peace and for reminding me that even when I feel lost, off course, and afraid...there is nowhere I can wander where He is not present.
Our journey with God is an exciting adventure (sort of reminds me of an Indiana Jones movie) There are things in store for us around every corner. Opportunities for spiritual growth await us and leaps of faith will be required. But we don't need to fear the unknown, because God has already gone before us.
I was reminded yesterday that we are heading into a new year and there are 365 blank pages of our stories waiting to be written. Before us are hidden countless opportunities for divine adventures with God, if we allow Him to write our story. And when God is silent or we feel we may have veered off course and lost our way, let's remember that God is still with us and that He is indeed for us.
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