Have you ever struggled to be heard, to have a voice, to express yourself ? Have you ever had to fight against the overwhelming fear within yourself to use your voice? Have you had to risk being ridiculed by your peers to speak out ? Then you can relate to this scene and the incredible personal victory it represents. It represents a victory for all of us who have struggled to find our voices and for those who have cried out only to be ignored. It inspires us and reminds us that our voices have value, that we as individuals have value.
Maybe you find yourself serving on a team with colleagues (business or ministry) who have more impressive credentials than yourself and you are tempted to withhold your ideas when asked to contribute... use your voice.
Perhaps you represent a minority culture and you are called to serve within a dominate culture? The dominate culture overlooks you and misses out on all the depth and richness diversity can bring to that project, church, or business...take courage my friends and use your voice.
Maybe you are a female business or ministry leader and you are often called into large meetings only to find that you are the only women in the room...Then keep showing up girlfriend and if prompted by the Spirit, use your voice.
Perhaps English is not your first language or you have never graduated high school? You my friends have a voice.
Those who do find themselves in a place of power and privilege might consider laying down a small portion of that power, to make space for those on the fringes to find their voice. Do we see the God given potential and gifts within others? Do we take time to draw them out, challenge and encourage them? There is nothing more fulfilling, then helping people discover and develop the gifts that God has already placed within them.
Perhaps God has placed you in a position to be a champion or voice for others who don't have a voice: Victims of human trafficking, the homeless, HIV Aids orphans, survivors of domestic violence, rape victims, refugees, the handicapped, the poor and so many others that our society often politely and silently casts aside.
We fight internally and externally to find and use our voices without disrespecting and drowning out the voices of others along the way. Lord give us your strength and courage to find and use our voices when you prompt us in the places you have called us, and yet let us be sensitive, respectful and humble enough to allow space for others around us to find and use their voices as well. We are all created in your image and we are so grateful that you have given each of us a place, a purpose and a voice to be used for your glory.
Lisa!!! You are such a gifted writer. You my dear do indeed have a voice! Thank you for the encouragement. I loved your post. love the blog. I'll be following!
Thank you Andy! You are so kind. Blessings on your day.